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Ready Bench Information

Our Ready Bench Head, Ready Bench Tent Parent, and Ready Bench Runner are a team in of themselves. Their communication and coordination are absolutely essential for our meets to run smoothly and efficiently. If you volunteer for any of these positions, you MUST read the following in its entirety and follow all detailed guidelines and procedures.

PMR Rays swimmers sit together under tents with their Age Group during meets. Our Tent Parents, Runners and Ready Bench Head all work together to ensure that swimmers are properly lined up for their event on time and remain supervised when they are not swimming.

Ready Bench - Tent Parent Role

The Tent Parent supervises the tent and swimmers for a particular Age Group (e.g. 6 and Under Girls, or 7-8 Boys) and is responsible for working with their Ready Bench Runner to line up swimmers in the proper order with caps and goggles in time for the event.

Ready Bench – Runner Role

The Ready Bench Runner is responsible for working with their Tent Parent to line up swimmers in the proper order with caps and goggles in time for the event. The Ready Bench Runner transports the swimmers from their tent to the Ready Bench area. The Runner remains with the swimmers until the event is finished and is then transports the swimmers back to their tent after the event. Between events, the Runner assists the Tent Parent in supervising swimmers.

Together the Tent Parent and Runner are responsible for generally ensuring the safety of the swimmers while in their tent, escorting swimmers to the bathroom and tracking swimmers as they leave and enter the tent.

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Pine Mill Ranch Swim Team is a division of West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe - www.swimwhale.com)

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